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In these last couple of years, Moody's doesn't fulfill the requirements which were the base of its foundation: to be an honest referee in qualifying the countries and companies conditions to meet their obligations (or get into default).
Since the beginning of the 2008 economic crisis, the whole world could testify how you failed in qualifying your "great" american junk companies. Now, to disguise the default in which the US is going to enter, you attack the Euro. Probably Europe will have to stop pay you the annual fee. Then, your evaluation would worth nothing: without Germany, France, Spain or Italy.... you would only evaluate yourselves. You would realize what real junk looks like.
In these last couple of years, Moody's doesn't fulfill the requirements which were the base of its foundation: to be an honest referee in qualifying the countries and companies conditions to meet their obligations (or get into default).
Since the beginning of the 2008 economic crisis, the whole world could testify how you failed in qualifying your "great" american junk companies. Now, to disguise the default in which the US is going to enter, you attack the Euro. Probably Europe will have to stop pay you the annual fee. Then, your evaluation would worth nothing: without Germany, France, Spain or Italy.... you would only evaluate yourselves. You would realize what real junk looks like.